The following are several examples showing how to use Datajure to conveniently complete various data processing operations.

Backend Specification

The following code sets tablecloth as the backend using the function set-backend:

(dtj/set-backend "tablecloth")

Datasets Construction

The following code construct a dataset object data of the specified backend from an associative map data-map using the function dataset:

(def data {:age [31 25 18 18 25]
           :name ["a" "b" "c" "c" "d"]
           :salary [200 500 200 370 3500]})
(dtj/dataset data)

Datasets Printing

The following code prints the content of the dataset data using the function print-dataset:

(dtj/print (dtj/dataset data))


Choose a backend:

Example 1

  • Select rows with salary > 300, age < 20
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:salary #(< 300 %)] [:age #(> 20 %)]] [])

Sample output:

_unnamed [1 3]:

| :age | :name | :salary |
|   18 |     c |     370 |

Example 2

  • Group rows by age with sum of salary > 1000
  • Show age and sum of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:sum :salary #(< 1000 %)]] [:age :sum :salary] [:group-by :age])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [1 2]:

| :age | :salary-sum |
|   25 |      4000.0 |

Example 3

  • Group rows by age
  • Show age, sum of salary and standard deviation of salary
  • Sort by standard deviation of salary in descending order
(-> data
    (dtj/query [] [:age :sum :salary :sd :salary] [:group-by :age :sort-by :sd :salary >])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [3 3]:

| :age | :salary-sum |    :salary-sd |
|   25 |      4000.0 | 2121.32034356 |
|   18 |       570.0 |  120.20815280 |
|   31 |       200.0 |               |

Example 4

  • Group rows by age and name
  • Show age, name and sum of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [] [:age :name :sum :salary] [:group-by :age :name])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [4 3]:

| :age | :name | :salary-sum |
|   31 |     a |       200.0 |
|   25 |     b |       500.0 |
|   18 |     c |       570.0 |
|   25 |     d |      3500.0 |

Example 5

  • Select rows with salary > 0, age < 24
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:salary #(< 0 %)] [:age #(< 24 %)]] [])

Sample output:

_unnamed [3 3]:

| :age | :name | :salary |
|   31 |     a |     200 |
|   25 |     b |     500 |
|   25 |     d |    3500 |

Example 6

  • Select rows with sum of salary > 0 (after grouping), age > 0
  • Group rows by name and age, show name, age, salary (of the first record in the group), sum of salary and standard deviation of salary
  • Sort by salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:sum :salary #(< 0 %)] [:age #(< 0 %)]] [:name :age :salary :sum :salary :sd :salary] [:group-by :name :age :sort-by :salary])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [4 5]:

| :name | :age | :salary | :salary-sum |  :salary-sd |
|     a |   31 |     200 |       200.0 |             |
|     c |   18 |     200 |       570.0 | 120.2081528 |
|     b |   25 |     500 |       500.0 |             |
|     d |   25 |    3500 |      3500.0 |             |

Example 1

  • Select rows with salary > 300, age < 20
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:salary #(< 300 %)] [:age #(> 20 %)]] [])

Sample output:

_unnamed [1 3]:

| :age | :name | :salary |
|   18 |     c |     370 |

Example 2

  • Group rows by age with sum of salary > 1000
  • Show age and sum of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:sum :salary #(< 1000 %)]] [:age :sum :salary] [:group-by :age])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [1 2]:

| :age | :salary-sum |
|   25 |      4000.0 |

Example 3

  • Group rows by age
  • Show age, sum of salary and standard deviation of salary
  • Sort by standard deviation of salary in descending order
(-> data
    (dtj/query [] [:age :sum :salary :sd :salary] [:group-by :age :sort-by :sd :salary >])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [3 3]:

| :age | :salary-sum |    :salary-sd |
|   25 |      4000.0 | 2121.32034356 |
|   18 |       570.0 |  120.20815280 |
|   31 |       200.0 |               |

Example 4

  • Group rows by age and name
  • Show age, name and sum of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [] [:age :name :sum :salary] [:group-by :age :name])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [4 3]:

| :age | :name | :salary-sum |
|   31 |     a |       200.0 |
|   25 |     b |       500.0 |
|   18 |     c |       570.0 |
|   25 |     d |      3500.0 |

Example 5

  • Select rows with salary > 0, age < 24
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:salary #(< 0 %)] [:age #(< 24 %)]] [])

Sample output:

_unnamed [3 3]:

| :age | :name | :salary |
|   31 |     a |     200 |
|   25 |     b |     500 |
|   25 |     d |    3500 |

Example 6

  • Select rows with sum of salary > 0 (after grouping), age > 0
  • Group rows by name and age, show name, age, salary (of the first record in the group), sum of salary and standard deviation of salary
  • Sort by salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:sum :salary #(< 0 %)] [:age #(< 0 %)]] [:name :age :salary :sum :salary :sd :salary] [:group-by :name :age :sort-by :salary])

Sample output:

left-outer-join [4 5]:

| :name | :age | :salary | :salary-sum |  :salary-sd |
|     a |   31 |     200 |       200.0 |             |
|     c |   18 |     200 |       570.0 | 120.2081528 |
|     b |   25 |     500 |       500.0 |             |
|     d |   25 |    3500 |      3500.0 |             |

For the Clojask backend, users are not encouraged to call dtj/query directly. Instead, users are suggested to call the lower-level data operations provided by datajure.operation-ck. As for the specific reasons, please refer to the implementation report.

Example 1

  • Create the dataset from a map
(-> data

Sample output:

|            age |             name |         salary |
| java.lang.Long | java.lang.String | java.lang.Long |
|             31 |                a |            200 |
|             25 |                b |            500 |
|             18 |                c |            200 |
|             18 |                c |            370 |
|             25 |                d |           3500 |

Example 2

  • Create the dataset from a file
(-> "input.txt"
    (ck/set-parser "salary" #(Long/parseLong %))
    (ck/set-parser "age" #(Long/parseLong %))


age, name, salary
31, a, 200
25, b, 500
18, c, 200
18, c, 370
25, d, 3500

Sample output:

|            age |             name |         salary |
| java.lang.Long | java.lang.String | java.lang.Long |
|             31 |                a |            200 |
|             25 |                b |            500 |
|             18 |                c |            200 |
|             18 |                c |            370 |
|             25 |                d |           3500 |

Example 3

  • Sort the dataset
(let [input "input.txt"
      output "output.txt"]
   (op-ck/external-sort input output #(- (Integer/parseInt (.get %1 "salary")) (Integer/parseInt (.get %2 "salary")))))





Example 4

  • Select rows with salary > 300, age < 20
(-> data
    (op-ck/where {:where [[:salary #(< 300 %)] [:age #(> 20 %)]]})

Sample output:

|            age |             name |         salary |
| java.lang.Long | java.lang.String | java.lang.Long |
|             18 |                c |            370 |

Example 1

  • Select rows with salary > 300, age < 20
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:salary (g/< (g/lit 300) :salary)] [:age (g/> (g/lit 20) :age)]] [])

Sample output:

|18 |c   |370   |

Example 2

  • Group rows by age with sum of salary > 1000
  • Show age and sum of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:sum :salary (g/< (g/lit 1000) (keyword "sum(salary)"))]] [:age :sum :salary] [:group-by :age])

Sample output:

|25 |4000       |

Example 3

  • Group rows by age
  • Show age, sum of salary and standard deviation of salary
  • Sort by standard deviation of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [] [:age :sum :salary :sd :salary] [:group-by :age :sort-by :sd :salary])

Sample output:

|31 |200        |null               |
|18 |570        |120.20815280171308 |
|25 |4000       |2121.3203435596424 |

Example 4

  • Group rows by age and name
  • Show age, name and sum of salary
  • Sort by sum of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [] [:age :name :sum :salary] [:group-by :age :name :sort-by :sum :salary])

Sample output:

|31 |a   |200        |
|25 |b   |500        |
|18 |c   |570        |
|25 |d   |3500       |

Example 5

  • Select rows with salary > 0, age < 24
  • Sort by salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:salary (g/< (g/lit 0) :salary)] [:age (g/< (g/lit 24) :age)]] [] [:sort-by :salary])

Sample output:

|31 |a   |200   |
|25 |b   |500   |
|25 |d   |3500  |

Example 6

  • Select rows with sum of salary > 0 (after grouping), age > 0
  • Group rows by name and age, show name, age, salary (of the first record in the group), sum of salary and standard deviation of salary
  • Sort by sum of salary
(-> data
    (dtj/query [[:sum :salary (g/< (g/lit 0) (keyword "sum(salary)"))] [:age (g/< (g/lit 0) :age)]] [:name :age :salary :sum :salary :sd :salary] [:group-by :name :age :sort-by :sum :salary])

Sample output:

|a   |31 |200          |200        |null               |
|b   |25 |500          |500        |null               |
|c   |18 |200          |570        |120.20815280171308 |
|d   |25 |3500         |3500       |null               |

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