

Like many popular Python libraries, such as numpy and pandas, third-party users can extend the function of Clojask by introducing more codes above the basic source code. Here is an example to support the creating such extension functions under the directory of clojask.extensions.

ns: clojask.extensions.bind


Joins some dataset files into a new dataframe by columns.

The separator of each file is determined by its file format. The list of default seperator for each file can be find in clojask-io.input. If it does not fit your needs, please try to modify the source code of cbind and change the :sep option of each read-file function.

path-aStringThe path of the first dataset fileCan be absolute or relative path
path-bStringThe path of the second dataset fileCan be absolute or relative path
[path-c's]StringThe path of the rest dataset filesCan be absolute or relative path; the number is not fixed


;; file a
;; date,item,price
;; 2010-01-20,1,18.3
;; 2010-01-20,2,38.3
;; 2010-01-23,1,18.9
;; 2010-01-23,2,48.9
;; 2010-01-26,1,19.1
;; 2010-01-26,2,59.1

;; file b
;; date,cust,Item,sold
;; 2010-01-19,101,2,11
;; 2010-01-22,102,1,7
;; 2010-01-24,102,2,9
;; 2010-01-25,101,2,9
;; 2010-01-26,101,1,10

(def x (cbind "path/to/a" "path/to/b"))

;; x
;; date1,item,price,date2,cust,Item,sold
;; 2010-01-20,1,18.3,2010-01-19,101,2,11
;; 2010-01-20,2,38.3,2010-01-22,102,1,7
;; 2010-01-23,1,18.9,2010-01-24,102,2,9
;; 2010-01-23,2,48.9,2010-01-25,101,2,9
;; 2010-01-26,1,19.1,2010-01-26,101,1,10

;; can further be
(def x (cbind "path/to/a" "path/to/b" "path/to/c" "path/to/d"))


Joins some dataset files into a new dataframe by rows.

The separator of each file is determined by its file format. The list of default seperator for each file can be find in clojask-io.input. If it does not fit your needs, please try to modify the source code of cbind and change the :sep option of each read-file function.

path-aStringThe path of the first dataset fileCan be absolute or relative path
path-bStringThe path of the second dataset fileCan be absolute or relative path
[path-c's]StringThe path of the rest dataset filesCan be absolute or relative path; the number is not fixed


;; file a
;; date,item,price
;; 2010-01-20,1,18.3
;; 2010-01-20,2,38.3
;; 2010-01-23,1,18.9
;; 2010-01-23,2,48.9
;; 2010-01-26,1,19.1
;; 2010-01-26,2,59.1

;; file b
;; date,cust,Item,sold
;; 2010-01-19,101,2,11
;; 2010-01-22,102,1,7
;; 2010-01-24,102,2,9
;; 2010-01-25,101,2,9
;; 2010-01-26,101,1,10

(def x (rbind "path/to/a" "path/to/b"))
(print-df x)

|             date |             item |            price |
| java.lang.String | java.lang.String | java.lang.String |
|       2010-01-20 |                1 |             18.3 |
|       2010-01-20 |                2 |             38.3 |
|       2010-01-23 |                1 |             18.9 |
|       2010-01-23 |                2 |             48.9 |
|       2010-01-26 |                1 |             19.1 |
|       2010-01-26 |                2 |             59.1 |
|       2010-01-19 |              101 |                2 |
|       2010-01-22 |              102 |                1 |
|       2010-01-24 |              102 |                2 |
|       2010-01-25 |              101 |                2 |

ns: clojask.extensions.reshape

Contains functions that can reshape a clojask dataframe from wide to long or from long to wide.

API Foundation

When defining a clojask.DataFrame using dataframe function, you can specify the option :melt, which should be a function that will be applied to each resultant row vector in the end. The default is vector, which will not affect the results. However, if :melt is set to

(fn [x]
  (repeat 2 x))

, then each row will be output twice.


Reshape the dataframe from wide to long. (Instant operation)

dataframeclojask.DataFrameSpecify the dataframe
output-pathStringThe path of the outputCan be absolute or relative path with respect to the project.clj file.
idvector of stringsThe fixed portion of the columnsThese columns must have a perfect correlation.
measurementvector of stringsThe measurement columnsIn the result, the measurement names will become one column and the values will become another.
[measure_name]StringThe name of the measurement in the resultBy default "measure"
[value_name]StringThe name of the value in the resultBy default "value"


;; x
;; family_id,age_mother,dob_child1,dob_child2,dob_child3
;; 1,30,1998-11-26,2000-01-29,
;; 2,27,1996-06-22,,
;; 3,26,2002-07-11,2004-04-05,2007-09-02
;; 4,32,2004-10-10,2009-08-27,2012-07-21
;; 5,29,2000-12-05,2005-02-28,
(melt x "path/to/output" ["family_id" "age_mother"] ["dob_child1" "dob_child2" "dob_child3"])


Reshape the dataframe from long to wide. Reversible to melt. (Instant operation)

dataframeclojask.DataFrameSpecify the dataframe
output-pathStringThe path of the outputCan be absolute or relative path with respect to the project.clj file.
idvector of stringsThe fixed portion of the columnsThese columns must have a perfect correlation.
measure-nameStringThe name of the measurementBy default "measure"
value-nameStringThe name of the valueBy default "value"
valuesvector of string/int/double/datetimeThe value choices of the measurement columnThe order matters as in the result file.
[vals-name]vector of stringThe name of the value columnsBy default, same as values


;; x
;; family_id,age_mother,measure,value
;; 1,30,dob_child1,1998-11-26
;; 1,30,dob_child2,2000-01-29
;; 1,30,dob_child3,
;; 2,27,dob_child1,1996-06-22
;; 2,27,dob_child2,
;; 2,27,dob_child3,
;; 3,26,dob_child1,2002-07-11
;; 3,26,dob_child2,2004-04-05
;; 3,26,dob_child3,2007-09-02
;; 4,32,dob_child1,2004-10-10
;; 4,32,dob_child2,2009-08-27
;; 4,32,dob_child3,2012-07-21
;; 5,29,dob_child1,2000-12-05
;; 5,29,dob_child2,2005-02-28
;; 5,29,dob_child3,
(dcast x "resources/test.csv" ["family_id" "age_mother"] "measure" "value" ["dob_child1" "dob_child2" "dob_child3"])

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